Propolis extract

Propolis extract: benefits and essential uses


If we talk about natural sweeteners, the first one that comes to mind is surely honey, one of the richest and most nutritious foods, not to mention its medicinal anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. However, when we want something really ‘strong’, to help us with a cold or to make us have more energy, we turn to propolis extract. 


The term has become very popular in recent years despite the fact that it has been in our diet for centuries. Its properties and flavor are without a doubt some of the characteristics that make it such an interesting food. But we can often confuse it with honey itself or even royal jelly. Are they the same? Can we take as much propolis as we want? Let’s see what this mysterious and fascinating food has in store for us at the same time.

What is propolis?


Before it is converted into extract it is first propolis. This substance resinous is collected by bees from the shoots and bark of trees, especially species such as poplars and pines. Once collected, these hard-working female insects mix it with wax, saliva and other secretions to create a sticky substance that they use to seal and protect their hive. The way to obtain it on our part is as follows:

Use in the hive


Bees use propolis to seal small openings, coat internal walls, and protect the hive from infections, bacteria, and fungi. They also use it to embalm dead intruders that they cannot remove from the hive, thus preventing decomposition and the spread of disease.

Extraction by beekeepers


Beekeepers can collect propolis by scraping it from the walls of the hive or using special racks where the bees deposit it. Once collected, it is cleaned and purified for use.


Propolis has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is used in natural medicine, mainly to strengthen the immune system, relieve throat infections and treat wounds or burns. It is also common in products such as sprays, syrups, creams and supplements.

And what does your statement consist of?


Propolis extract is a concentrated and purified version of propolis, obtained through an extraction process in which the active components are separated from the impurities and waxes present in the original substance.


Its use As an extract for medicinal and healing purposes it has been a constant throughout history, for more than 5000 years. Although ancient civilizations did not know the chemistry behind its properties, they took advantage of its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing benefits. Today its use is supported by scientific studies, but humanity has relied on propolis for millennia as part of its natural medicine. Currently, two fundamental types of extract can be distinguished:

in alcohol


It is the most common because alcohol facilitates the extraction of active substances. It also acts as a preservative for propolis extract.



It is the choice of people who prefer to avoid alcohol, and of course the mandatory case if children are going to consume it. To replace it, water or vegetable glycerin is used in the extraction.

How is it obtained?


Its production process is similar to that of propolis, so that is exactly where we start:


Propolis collection


Beekeepers collect propolis directly from the hives.


Extraction process


Raw propolis is dissolved in alcohol or water, depending on the type of extract desired (alcoholic or non-alcoholic). The first is the most common, since it allows the efficient extraction of bioactive components, such as flavonoids, phenolic acids and terpenes.

Filtering and purification


After dissolution, the mixture is filtered to eliminate impurities and traces of wax, leaving a concentrated liquid with the medicinal properties of propolis.

Properties of propolis extract


Propolis extract is known to have a wide range of beneficial health properties, which makes it a highly valued natural remedy, also because it can be consumed by almost everyone (unless the doctor’s instructions say otherwise). . Some of the most important benefits are:

Antibacterial properties


Propolis acts effectively against a variety of pathogenic bacteria, inhibiting their growth and reproduction. This makes it a natural ally to combat bacterial infections, especially of the respiratory tract (colds or pharyngitis) and skin wounds. It can also help prevent oral infections such as gingivitis and tooth decay.

Antiviral properties


Propolis also has antiviral action, making it useful for fighting common viral infections such as colds or flu. It has been observed that it can interfere with the reproduction of some viruses, which helps reduce the severity or duration of the disease.

Antifungal properties


Propolis is effective against various fungal infections, such as yeast infections. Candida. Its ability to stop the growth of pathogenic fungi makes it useful in cases of skin or mucous membrane infections.

Anti-inflammatory properties


As it contains compounds such as flavonoids, this substance helps reduce inflammation. This property is particularly useful in the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis or skin problems such as eczema.

Antioxidant properties


The compounds in propolis, especially flavonoids and phenolic acids, have powerful antioxidant properties. They help fight damage caused by free radicals, thus protecting cells from premature aging and chronic diseases such as heart disease and certain types of cancer.


Healing properties


Propolis extract promotes tissue regeneration and wound healing. This is due to both its antimicrobial capacity and its anti-inflammatory effects. It has been used to treat burns, cuts and ulcers, speeding up the healing process and preventing infections.

Immunomodulatory properties


It has the ability to stimulate the body’s natural defenses to fight infections and improve the immune response. It is also useful for people who need an immune boost in times, for example, of stress, changes of season or during winter.

analgesic properties


Propolis has a mild analgesic effect that can help relieve pain, especially in wounds or irritations in the mouth, throat, or in cases of mild pain such as that associated with colds.

Anti-cancer properties


Although it is not completely scientifically proven, preliminary studies suggest that propolis could have anti-cancer effects due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity. Its potential to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and its ability to protect DNA from oxidative damage has been investigated. However, this field is still developing and more research is necessary to confirm its effectiveness in this type of treatment.

Anti-allergic properties


Propolis has also been studied for its ability to inhibit histamine release, which could help reduce symptoms of mild allergies.

Skin protective properties


In topical products, the extract is used to protect the skin, acting as a barrier against external agents and helping tissue regeneration. Additionally, its antimicrobial effects make it ideal for treating acne, infected wounds, and insect bites.

Most common uses


Both propolis and its extract have proven over the centuries to be excellent allies in the protection of human and animal health thanks to all their properties. Over time, its applications have been perfected and it has been discovered which uses make the most of its benefits. 


In Cosmos Aromatic We are fascinated by this food that, although it has no restrictions in terms of quantity in its intake, we always like to recommend that you consult with your family doctor. After all, it is a natural product to which we may be allergic or that may create a negative reaction in our body. Now, let’s see everything this food can do for us:

Strengthening the immune system


Propolis extract is a natural immunostimulant that helps strengthen the body’s defenses. It is commonly used to prevent colds and flu, reduce the duration of viral or bacterial illnesses, and improve the body’s resistance to common infections.

Throat care and respiratory health


Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make it perfect for soothing a sore throat and reducing inflammation, treating coughs, bronchitis and pharyngitis and relieving symptoms of respiratory allergies or asthma. It can be consumed in sprays or in the form of a tincture to gargle. You can also take a few diluted drops to soothe your throat and calm your cough.

Wound healing and skin care


When we say that it is a singular and unique food it is because, in addition to all the benefits that we have said above, it also has antimicrobial, antifungal and healing properties, which is why it is used to treat various skin conditions such as wounds, cuts and minor burns. , infections, eczema, dermatitis or skin irritations. It can be applied directly to the skin in the form of a cream or ointment with propolis extract or diluted in water to clean wounds.

Oral health


Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, propolis extract is widely used to improve oral hygiene and treat conditions such as gingivitis, stomatitis and canker sores and even colds. To do this, you will have to use mouthwashes or use sprays or toothpastes that contain propolis extract. It can also be applied directly to the mouth to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Infection treatment


Propolis is a powerful antimicrobial used to combat a variety of infections, including bacterial infections (sinusitis or tonsillitis), those of the upper respiratory tract, those caused by fungi (oral or vaginal candidiasis) and urinary tract infections.

Treatment of digestive problems


Propolis extract is known for its ability to relieve gastric ulcers, improve digestion and protect the stomach lining and fight gastrointestinal infections.

Women’s health


In gynecology, propolis and its extract are used to treat vaginal infections such as candidiasis or bacterial vaginosis, due to their antimicrobial properties. It is also used to relieve mild menstrual pain and combat fungal infections.


This natural food has a lot to offer us, so we must know its value and treat it accordingly. That is one of the values ​​that we support the most in Cosmos Aromatic, where our purpose is to go far beyond the simple design of aromas and drinks. We want to grow with our clients and help them in all possible areas of the business. If you want to know what we can do for you, you just have to contact us. contact with our team, who will help you resolve any issue in a more personal way.