

Malt Extract: Flavour and Nutrition in One Ingredient


Consuming it today can offer us many benefits, as its extract is considered a superfood. Not only does it taste good, but it also provides us with great amounts of energy and health. Want to know how to consume it in unique ways? We’ve got all the details for you!


What is Malt?

Before we begin, it’s important to understand what we mean when we talk about this product, which is obtained through the germination and subsequent drying of various types of grains. The most common, as mentioned above, is barley (which is also used to make beer), but other grains like wheat, rye, or corn can also be used. The malting process is essential in the production of fermented alcoholic beverages like the aforementioned and famous beer, as well as whiskey, and in the production of some foods.

To obtain malt and enjoy all kinds of beverages and foods, the grain must go through a multi-step process:


The grain is soaked in water to absorb moisture and begin germination. This process takes one to two days.


During the soaking process, the grain begins to germinate, activating natural enzymes that start converting the starch stored in the grain into simple sugars, which are essential for fermentation. This process takes about four to five more days.

Drying or Roasting

Once the grain has germinated, the growth process must be stopped to move on to the final phase, which involves drying in ovens. The level of malt roasting can vary depending on the colour and flavour desired in the final product (light malt, for example, is used in lagers, while darker malt is used in stouts).

So, What is Malt Extract?

Malt extract is a concentrated liquid or powder derived from malt, obtained after the malting process and the subsequent extraction of fermentable sugars from the germinated grain. It is primarily used in the food and beverage industry, especially in beer production, baking products, and nutritional supplements.

Now that we know malt is obtained from grain germination, it’s time to explain how to harness all the essence of this product to benefit from its nutrients and contributions. To do this, malt must undergo the same malting process described earlier. After germination and drying, the creation of the extract begins:



Once the malt is obtained, it is mixed with hot water in a process called mashing. This allows the sugars and other soluble components of the malt to dissolve in the water, creating a sugary liquid called wort.


The wort is evaporated to remove most of the water, resulting in a concentrated liquid rich in malt’s natural sugars and nutrients. This is the malt extract proper.

Drying (Optional)

The extract can be further dried to convert it into a powder, making it easier to store and use in certain applications.

Therefore, malt extract can be consumed in two forms:


It has a viscous texture and is typically used for homebrewing as well as in the food industry. It’s easier to handle and provides a very distinctive flavour.


It’s the same product, only dehydrated. The reason for drying it is purely practical, as it lasts longer and is easier to transport. It is used in foods like cereals, baked goods, and dietary supplements.


Benefits of Malt Extract

When we say that malt extract is a superfood, it’s because of all the benefits it offers to our body. If you have a cat, you probably know that giving them malt helps their digestive health and stomach. With humans, it’s similar, but the benefits we can get from this product are much greater:

Nutrient Source

Rich in B vitamins, such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folic acid, malt is essential for metabolism and the proper functioning of the nervous system.

High Fiber Content

Thanks to its significant fiber content, malt extract helps improve bowel movements and prevent digestive problems like constipation.

Antioxidant Properties

Malt contains natural antioxidants, such as polyphenols, which neutralize free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage. This can help prevent chronic diseases like heart disease and even cancer.

Promotes Cardiovascular Health

The bioactive compounds present in malt, like soluble fibers and beta-glucans, help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, thereby decreasing the risk of heart disease.

Provides Sustained Energy

The complex carbohydrates in this product are slowly broken down in the body, providing a steady source of energy throughout the day.

Supports Bone Health

Malt is a natural source of minerals like calcium and magnesium, essential for maintaining bone health and preventing conditions like osteoporosis.

It’s important to remember that while malt offers several health benefits, its consumption should be moderate and balanced. People with cereal allergies or intolerances should also take special care, as malt extract comes from barley. As always, it’s best to consult your doctor to determine if it’s safe to include it in your diet before making any changes.

How is Malt Extract Used in Food?

We already know it’s part of beer, but what you might not know is that malt extract is present in many more foods than you think. In fact, it’s used in various ways to take advantage of its nutritional properties as well as its flavour and ability to enhance the texture of products. Its most common uses are:

As a Natural Sweetener

Due to its high natural sugar content, malt extract is used as a mild sweetener in baked goods like bread, cookies, and cakes. It offers a less intense and slightly toasted or caramelized flavour compared to refined sugar.

To Enhance Flavour and Color

Again, in baked goods and processed foods, malt extract helps enhance the flavour, adding a subtle malt and caramel taste. Additionally, it gives bread and cookies a more golden colour, improving their appearance and texture.

As an Additive in Baked Goods

In baking, malt extract is valued for its ability to improve fermentation. That’s why it’s added to dough to feed the yeast, making the bread rise better and giving it a fluffier texture. It also contributes to creating a more golden and crispy crust on bread and rolls.

As an Ingredient in Cereals and Energy Bars

This product is a typical ingredient in breakfast cereals and energy bars. It’s used both for its nutritional value (as a source of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals) and for its ability to improve the texture and flavour of these products.

As a Nutritional Supplement

Thanks to its content of B vitamins, minerals like magnesium and phosphorus, and its protein levels, malt extract is used in nutritional supplements and tonics to provide energy and improve overall health.

In Isotonic and Malted Beverages

In some isotonic and energy drinks, malt extract is used as a natural source of quick energy. It is also a key ingredient in malted beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, where it contributes to flavour and nutritional value.

As a Flavouring in Processed Foods

It is also used as a flavouring in processed products like snacks, sauces, and dressings. Its sweet and toasted flavour profile can help balance or complement other flavours in the recipe.

Without a doubt, malt and its extract are versatile and healthy ingredients, capable of providing flavour, colour, and nutrients that make it a superfood. At Cosmos Aromática, we are well aware of all its properties and everything it can bring to food. As a company that manufactures food flavourings with over half a century of experience in the sector, we love these kinds of products, which can offer health and flavour.

That’s why our team always strives to work with the best and highest quality ingredients. If you’re looking for satisfaction, food safety, and flawless results, all you need to do is contact us. Shall we talk?

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