

Ice cream flavour: why we love it?


We know that summer is the season par excellence for ice cream, although in reality more than one consumes it all year round. We don’t really know what kind of magic formula it has, but there is no doubt that the flavour of ice cream has been conquering us since its creation, much older than we can think.

It is not only that it is a fresh and light food, perfect for the warmer seasons, but it also has a texture and a way of consuming it that attracts children to the elderly. In fact, it is one of the foods that we consume throughout our lives and, in some way, it takes us back to childhood. Today we investigate the origin of this interesting food and why it makes our palates so happy. Do you want to know the secret?


Revealing the origin of ice cream flavour

Ice cream has a much more interesting history than what we think. Although we associate its origin with Italy, it was Marco Polo’s travels that introduced this food to Europe. In any case, ice cream seems to be a culinary invention thought up by many civilizations and adapted to their own culture.

It is very difficult to find the birthplace of a food, but, as we have mentioned, it is believed that the first signs of something similar to today’s ice cream come from China, where snow was mixed with rice and milk to create a refreshing dessert. During the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), a mixture of fermented milk and flour began to be made and cooled with ice, giving rise to a more primitive version of today’s ice cream. However, the Chinese are not the only civilization that managed to create a refreshing dessert to better spend the summer:


Ancient Persia and Greece. The Persians, around 500 BC, consumed a type of sorbet made with ice mixed with fruits and flavours such as saffron or honey. In Greece, Hippocrates (c. 460-370 BC) recommended a type of sweetened snow as medicine.

Roman empire. Emperor Nero enjoyed a mixture of snow brought from the Alps with fruit juices and honey, which could be considered one of the first sorbets rather than ice cream itself.

Middle Ages. The Arabs developed recipes for sorbets and frozen drinks, techniques that spread throughout Europe through the Crusades. Arabian sorbets, made from fruits, honey and water, influenced future European versions of ice cream.

Renaissance. It is said that Catherine de’ Medici, upon marrying the future King Henry II of France in 1533, brought to her host country Italian chefs who knew the art of preparing ice cream. In Italy, ice cream was perfected, especially in Florence, and became a popular dessert at court.

18th and 19th centuries. In the 18th century, ice cream began to gain popularity in France and England. In America it became common in the 19th century, the century in which the first ice cream parlors began to be seen in the country. Thomas Jefferson, one of the first Americans to enjoy this invention, had a recipe for vanilla ice cream at Monticello.


It was in this country where Nancy Johnson patented the first ice cream making machine, which revolutionized production and made this delicacy more accessible.

20th and 21st century. With the advent of mechanical refrigeration and industrial machines, ice cream production skyrocketed and became a globally accessible dessert. Iconic brands and new flavours emerged, consolidating ice cream as a pillar in culinary culture.

From that moment on, ice cream was adapted to all types of presentations, from what you buy in the supermarket to gourmet and experimental versions in the most special Michelin star restaurants.


What does ice cream consist of?

We consume it every summer, but what exactly is ice cream? At first glance you have surely noticed that there are many types and the flavour of ice cream also makes it completely different. Later we will see the typologies, but an ice cream is characterized by being frozen and made of mainly milk, cream, sugar and, often, egg yolks. All of them are mixed and shaken while cooling to prevent the formation of large ice crystals. This mixture is flavoured with a variety of flavours, such as vanilla, chocolate, fruit or any other flavouring, and then frozen until a creamy and smooth consistency is obtained.


For an ice cream to be considered such and enjoyed by adults and children, it has to have certain qualities:

  • Texture. The ice cream has a creamy and smooth texture, a result of the churning process during freezing (adds air and prevents the formation of large ice crystals).
  • Flavour. If we love something, it is the infinite number of ice cream flavours that exist, from classics like vanilla or chocolate to more exotic or gourmet combinations.
  • Temperature. It is served frozen, usually at temperatures below 0°C, making it a refreshing dessert, especially popular in hot climates.


Types of ice cream

Before we have already stated that yes, there are several types of this food, in addition to its flavours. You can choose one or the other depending on the flavour of ice cream you like or the ingredients that make it up:


cream ice cream

Made with a milk and cream base, it is the most common type and is characterized by its rich, creamy texture.


It does not contain dairy products and is made from fruit juices mixed with water and sugar, which gives it a lighter texture.


A type of Italian ice cream made with less fat than traditional ice cream. It is served at a slightly higher temperature, which gives it a denser and softer texture.

vegan ice cream

Times change, and our diet must evolve with them. Nowadays we want all people to be able to enjoy food, including ice cream. For this reason, one has been created without ingredients of animal origin, in which milk is replaced by alternatives such as almond, coconut, or oatmeal drinks.


What is it about ice cream flavour that we love?

The ice cream flavour is so loved not only because of the enjoyment of a refreshing dessert in summer, but because it is capable of creating memories and helping us connect with our culture:


Texture and feel

The texture of the ice cream is rich and smooth, which provides a pleasant sensation in the mouth (it is due to the mixture of fat, sugar and air). The fact that ice cream is consumed cold also contributes to its appeal, especially in warm climates. The coolness of ice cream offers immediate and refreshing relief.

Flavour and variety

Ice cream is possibly one of the most diverse human inventions, since there are countless flavours, some of them bizarre and strange. Therefore, there is surely a type that each person likes.

However, it is her sweetness that plays a leading role. Humans have a natural predisposition toward sweet tastes, which are often associated with energy-rich foods.

Childhood and summer memories

For many people, ice cream is associated with happy childhood memories, where it was eagerly enjoyed on summer days, special celebrations or at family gatherings. This emotional connection increases your attractiveness.

Comfort food

The ice cream flavour is often consumed as a treat or reward, making it a comfort food, not only for sad moments, but on walks with friends or family or after a tiring day at work.

Culture and tradition

This food is an indispensable part of many celebrations and events, from birthday parties to social gatherings, which reinforces its association with happy and community moments. In fact, its popularity around the world makes it a familiar and beloved food in many cultures.


Not only can we choose the ice cream flavour and create delicious combinations, but we can also add ingredients and personalize it even more. Toppings, other desserts, in cones, in sundae…This versatility allows people to tailor ice cream to their specific tastes.


The brands, the ice cream parlors themselves and the flavour companies They are constantly innovating to create flavours, textures and combinations never seen before. Their efforts mean that ice cream continues to be an attractive bet for consumers.


Be careful with him brain freeze when eating ice cream

Although the flavour of ice cream and its texture primarily bring us pleasure, we are sure that at some point, while eating it, you have experienced a headache. That pang, known as brain freeze or ‘brain freeze’, is a common reaction that occurs when something very cold quickly touches the roof of the mouth. The causes may be several:


Contraction of blood vessels

When something cold touches the roof of your mouth, the blood vessels in that area quickly constrict in response to the cold. To compensate for the rapid heat loss, these expand rapidly to restore normal temperature.

Blood flow change

This process of rapid contraction and expansion can cause a change in blood flow and trigger a brief but intense pain signal that the brain interprets as a headache.


The trigeminal nerve, responsible for sensitivity in the face, among other areas, detects this rapid variation in temperature. As this nerve is also related to the frontal region of the head, the brain sometimes mistakes the source of the pain and ‘takes’ it to the forehead, causing the sensation of a headache.

If you want to continue eating ice cream calmly and without suffering ‘brain freeze’, we leave you some tricks that you can do at the moment:

  • Eat slower. Eating cold foods more slowly reduces the chance of the palate cooling quickly.
  • ‘Warms’ the palate. If you feel pain starting, press your tongue against the roof of your mouth to quickly warm it up and relieve the pain.
  • Drink something warm. Taking a sip of warm water can also help counteract the cold.


Now you know where ice cream comes from and how to eat it without any annoying problems afterwards! The truth is that we are not surprised that it is one of the most beloved foods, not only because of its freshness, but because of the memories and memories associated with it. That’s why in Cosmos Aromatic we love creating and improve all kinds of aromas and flavours, because we know that they will be part of many people’s childhood. We have been marketing aromas of all types throughout Spain since 1952, and we will continue to do so with the same passion and love that our founder, Aurelio González González, put into it since its creation. If you need advice on flavours or any specific one, you just have to contact our team. ¿Do you want to contact us?

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