
Flavourings for water

Flavourings for water: innovation and development of flavours


Soft drinks are especially popular during the summer due to their taste and freshness. However, its consumption has a negative side: the harmful effects on health caused by its high sugar content and other harmful ingredients. Fortunately, there are alternatives that allow you to enjoy tasty drinks without the harmful components. This is where water flavourings become an ideal option.

Their low amount of calories makes them perfect for giving a touch of different flavour to water and enjoying another type of drink that is also healthier. Do you want to know how? At Cosmos Aromática we tell you its secrets.

What are water flavourings?

These additives are specially designed to flavour beverages, especially water, which lacks flavour. They are used not only to create more original and appetizing flavours, but also for practical purposes, such as improving the taste of drinking water. This is particularly useful for those who do not enjoy the taste of pure water, making it more pleasant to consume. 

Water flavourings come in various forms and types, which are chosen depending on the need. Among the most common we highlight:



They dissolve in water to add flavour. They usually come in individual envelopes or in large jars.

Concentrated liquids


These flavourings come in small bottles with a dropper or dispenser. Just add a few drops to a glass or bottle of water.

Effervescent tablets


This format dissolves in water, adding flavour and often effervescence.



They are very similar to powders but the difference is that they are packaged in small tubes or sachets that are easier to transport and use on the go.

Natural flavours


They are made up of natural ingredients, such as fruit slices, fresh herbs and spices, which are added to the water for flavour without artificial additives.

With built-in flavour


These bottles have the water pre-mixed with flavourings and ready to drink.

Fortified flavours


There are flavorings fortified with vitamins, minerals, or electrolytes, offering additional health benefits, especially for athletes.

Flavourings with specific functions


They are designed to provide specific benefits such as energy, relaxation, or improved sports performance.

What are they composed of?


Water flavourings can contain a variety of ingredients, among which we wanted to highlight:

Natural and artificial flavours


They help generate the desired flavour (fruits, herbs or more exotic flavours).



Stevia, sucralose or aspartame, among others, are often used to add sweetness without the additional calories of sugar.

Vitamins and minerals


Some flavourings are fortified with vitamins and minerals to offer additional health benefits.



They can be both natural and artificial, with which we can make the drink more visually attractive.



The one that we highlight the most is citric acid, which can add a touch of acidity and acts as a preservative.



Water flavourings can offer several health benefits, mainly related to improving fluid intake and providing additional nutrients. As we have mentioned, one of the biggest advantages is the reduction in the amount of calories, but it is not the only one:

Increased hydration

Improving the taste of water can encourage people to drink more, which is crucial for maintaining adequate hydration. Hydration is essential for many bodily functions, such as temperature regulation, joint lubrication, and nutrient transport.

Healthy alternative to sugary drinks


Water flavourings can be a lower-calorie, lower-sugar alternative to sugary soft drinks, helping to reduce the risk of obesity, the development of type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay.


Some flavourings also contain additional vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, B vitamins, and electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium. These nutrients support and strengthen the immune system, improve muscle and nerve function, and aid in recovery after exercise.

Easy to use

Flavourings in powder or concentrated liquid form are easy to transport and use at any time, making it easy to maintain good hydration throughout the day.

Flavour customization

The wide range of flavours available can make drinking water a more enjoyable experience, especially for those who don’t enjoy plain water or tend to forget to drink it. With the incentive of flavour, it will be easier to promote its regular consumption.

Better weight control


Staying well hydrated can help control appetite and prevent overeating, as sometimes the body can mistake thirst for hunger.


Although many flavourings use artificial or no-calorie sweeteners, some people may be sensitive to them, and it is important to use these products in moderation. That is why we always recommend checking the labels or asking the manufacturing company to avoid unwanted ingredients, such as artificial colors or preservatives.

How to choose water flavourings

Given the large number of flavourings available on the market and their different types, choosing the most suitable one can be somewhat complicated. Therefore, we recommend considering the following factors:



Check the ingredients to avoid artificial sweeteners, colors and preservatives if you prefer more natural options.

Sugar and calorie content


Opt for low sugar and low calorie options if you are watching your calorie intake.

Specific purposes


It is best to choose fortified flavourings if you are looking for additional benefits such as vitamins or electrolytes.

Do you want to prepare homemade water flavourings?

In addition to commercial flavourings, it is also possible to make our own flavours at home and enjoy tasty and healthy drinks without artificial additives. If you prefer to try options before purchasing, we have prepared a small selection of flavourings that you can consider:

Lemon and mint water

To prepare this flavouring, you will need 1 liter of water, 1 lemon cut into slices and a handful of fresh mint leaves. Simply fill a pitcher with water, add the lemon slices and mint leaves. For a more refreshing effect, leave the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour, so that the flavours blend properly.

Cucumber and mint water


We will use the same procedure as for the previous flavour, except that to the liter of water we will add 1/2 cucumber cut into thin slices and some fresh mint leaves. Then all you have to do is let it rest and serve it very cold.


mixed fruit water


This is one of our favorite options, since we get the flavour of strawberries, blueberries and orange. All that remains is to add to taste, cut the pieces of fruit and let the water cool.


Lemon and ginger water


Lemon and ginger are 2 great flavourings, especially for summer, as they are satiating and eliminate thirst. Simply add the slices of both ingredients and let them marinate and cool.

Strawberry and basil water

We come to our last suggestion, which although less known, is equally delicious. The combination of basil and strawberries promises to be a unique experience. To prepare it, just add half a cup of strawberries and a handful of basil to taste in 1 liter of water. Leave the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour so the flavours can blend and intensify.

Latest tips


If this is the first time you are making water flavourings at home, you need to take into account certain requirements so that your water is impregnated with all the elements you add:

Infusion time


The longer you let the mixture sit in the refrigerator, the more intense the flavours will be. Usually 1-2 hours is enough, but you can also leave it overnight.

Amount of ingredients


Adjust the amount of fruits, herbs or spices according to your personal taste. Of course, keep in mind that the more ingredients you add, the more flavourful the water will have.



The real wonder of water flavourings lies in the freedom to create custom combinations at home. You can experiment with the fruits and spices you like the most and discover new mixtures. Who knows? Maybe watermelon and rosemary will turn out to be a surprisingly delicious combination.


In the end, flavours are something very personal and speak about our way of being, the foods we have grown up with and the evolution of our taste. That is why we must always pay attention to them and take care of the products we choose for consumption. That’s the philosophy behind Cosmos Aromatic.


We have been growing over time alongside our customers, sharing the joys and successes since 1952. Since then we have been committed to the quality of our products and the service to our customers. Our goal is that, whether you are a one-time customer or a recurring one, you are always satisfied with the product purchased. If you have any specific questions or want to know a quote, just contact us. contact with our team. We will be happy to help you find the perfect scent.

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