

Cosmos complies with all sanitary regulations against Covid-19


Cosmos complies with all sanitary regulations against Covid-19

Due to the epidemiological situation related to COVID-19, since last Monday 16th of March, a set of maximum security measures have been activated in Cosmos.  The purpose of these measures, are to protect the health of our employees and ensure service to our customers, with the greatest possible guarantees.

In this way, Cosmos has made the necessary provisions to comply with all sanitary regulations. We have organized different work shifts in small groups to minimize the risk of contagion, and we have facilitated telework for some of our employees.

We remind you that we are fully operational, and we keep our lines of communication open from Monday to Friday from 06:30 am until 22:30 pm respectively.

We hope that these circumstances will be resolved as soon as possible and that we can return our normality.

Many thanks for your confidence.

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